If you follow me on Facebook or Instagram, you might have seen snippets of the two new blankets I made.
Do you know that each blanket tells a unique story? A story about you, about what you like, about materials, journey to the shops, endless rummaging in your stash or afternoons on the laptop looking for a magic shade, they also tell about your love and caring because often they are made as a gift.
So no pressure!
I keep journals of my blankets, some sort of record where I can note down sources, patterns, observations, colour swatches primarily mood boards.
These are a few pages of my journal with the most recent blankets I made; they might look a bit chaotic as they are just meant for me but they can still give you an idea so you can create your own.
You might already keep records of images and virtual mood boards for your projects, but I found the process to make a ‘real’ one very useful as I like to see the shades and patterns in real life.
I start with a few questions:
-Who the blanket is for?
-Time schedule?
The answers to the above will determine, size, material, pattern,
Then comes the mood…
This is my favourite part of making a blanket as it is the creative one! And that is where the journal come indispensable for me because allows me to create different scenarios without committing to a final one.
I start with collecting pictures, images anything that attracts my attention then I select what I like best, and I print them, I also start to narrow down colours ‘s possibilities with pencils, crayons, little bits of paper, Leafs anything that can be glued on a page!
Colours for me are the most important part because you can be an amazing crocheter, or having an amazing pattern but if you mess up your colours, you mess up the all thing.
Colours are also a huge topic and I will get to it in more depth with a few entries I m planning for the new year, with details on COLOURS WHEEL, HUES, SATURATION and VALUE.
It sounds complicated but it is not at all once you get the basic you will be able to make your own combinations easy-peasy.
The fact that colours are so important you can see it in those 2 blankets, both similar size, same pattern, same material, VERY DIFFERENT LOOK and FEEL because of the colours choice.
The bright one is for a colleague of mine that had a baby recently. I know she likes bright strong hues and , I hope, the blanket will reflect her taste and her heritage with loads of red for good luck.
The border is bold and strong n the joining is virtually invisible because what matters is the colours.
The second blanket is for another little girl, this mum loves pastels, muted colours and she has chosen neutral shades for the nursery . so I introduced more traditional baby hues, with a hint of colours to create some interest.
The joining is a flat braid because I like the lacy delicate effect that compliments the border and the colour choice.
Did it helps? I hope so.
Some technical details if you are interested:
For my journals I use a moleskine A4 watercolour folio, landscape, 200 gr paper. Shop around because the price can vary between suppliers. It is perfect size to be transported, has an elastic band so it can keep everything inside, the paper is heavy so you can use watercolours crayon markers, whatever also it holds swatches, bits of yarns and anything you want to stuck down.
I also use double sided tape for the ‘yarny bits’, Glue, pencils, pastels, stickers , buttons anything really.
COLOURS: emperor,petrol,turquoise,meadow,mustard,claret,lipstick,fuchsia purple,shrimp, magenta and clematis.
The border is done in lipstick. The pattern is adjusted from something I found in the internet sorry I have just the print on the journal and a swatch.
it is the small square from @Catherine Blight’s Demelza CAL
Stone, pistachio,saffron,spice,duck egg,apricot
BORDER: Echkman: ‘crochet borders’ n.27
Joining as you go flat braid.
Lucia xx
Great post, Lucia! Really interesting to see your notebook and how you develop your designs. My next question would have been what notebook are you using, so thanks for that detail. I’m looking forward to the post on colour.
Hello Lucia, Thank-you much! As a beginner this post was very informative and I smiled alot.
Best, Mary ^..^ ^..^
Both blankets are stunning! One of the things I love about knitting and crochet is how the same pattern can look completely different just by varying the colours or tweaking a detail such as the border or the join.
Amore per i colori, voglia di sperimentare, capacità organizzativa sommata a grande creatività e abilità..questa sei tu Lucia ! Riesci sempre a suscitare stupore e ammirazione in chi ha la fortuna di vedere ciò che esce dalle tue mani. Grazie per
condividere con noi le tue creazioni e complimenti…
thank you very much for all your lovely comments and encouragement I really appreciate,
Lots of love,
Lucia xxxx
I found your blog a few weeks ago and it answered one of my biggest crochet dilemmas. I don’t have the confidence (or the cash) to do come of the beautiful CALs that I see on line. But this post showed me how to take some of the ideas and incorporate them into my work. I’m making cushion covers with the small Demelza square!! Now I can still make bits and pieces of CALs I like. Thank you!
Hi Elsie,
thank you so much I am really touched by your comment. especially because that is why I started the blog in the first place.
crochet should be a way to relax and unwind and it doesn’t require big budgets or tackling complex projects, it is all about enjoying making something with your hands without be worried about not be able to finish it or wasting money.
so thanks again for your kind words and ,if you want, please let me see your cushion when you are done. happy crocheting, Lucia xx
Tout est joli ! On sent ton côté “architecte” dans tes cahiers de note ! Bravo !
I love the Eastern jewels pattern but it appears to be out of stock with all suppliers. Do you know if I can obtain it from any other source, please, or if not, do you think it will be back in stock soon. I’ve set my heart on doing this pattern for my little granddaughter as Inthink she’ll find it fascinating.
Hi,I am so sorry you cannot find the kit available,I just designed the colourway and I am not involved in any of the distribution of the packs or the pattern. I am also bound by copyright with Stylecraft and Jane Crowfoot. You got to get in touch with them. Failed that all I can suggest is that if you put Eastern jewels in your search engine ,on Instagram or Pinterest for example, there are a LOT of really close up of the octagons and it is very easy to guess the colours that way.
Hope it helps a little.
all the best,
Lucia x