So where to start with my March’s blanket…

I thought my March’s blanket is going to be about celebrations..and macaroons…

On the beginning of the week, I celebrated my 25th wedding anniversary! I have been married and also I have been living in Scotland for 25 years!

Now I bet you are wondering what macaroons got to do with it? Well, there is a little story behind it all.

I met my husband Michael in Paris in 1988; we got married four years later in 1992 on the 29th of February! A funny date I know, but it is not too bad as, in nonleap years, we celebrate our anniversary either on the 1st of March or the 28th of February.

Paris has a special place in my heart; it is a city I always felt very comfortable in,  it has been my home and my work place, and now is a regular destination for long weekends, holidays and shopping expeditions.

I met Michael in a French speaking course at the Sorbonne University, (that is my daughter Valentina in front of the main door ..)   where I attended while living in Paris in the summer of 1988.

More ‘memory lane’..

.the next picture is us then.I can’t believe that it was nearly 30 years ago!  Below our lovely class. We were a group of  18 different nationalities, a wide age range and many reasons why we were all in Paris improving our French.  Our teacher was called Elisabeth, and she was so lovely and friendly. She is the one sitting, I am just behind her with the black jacket and the cream trousers, and Michael is far left with the blue and white shell suit..( magical 80s! loads of shell suits!!!).

All those years later and that is ‘our group’ now!

I havent forgotten the macaroons.. It is just I  was wondering what reminds me best of Paris, there are loads of things that remind me of Paris, but one especially does… those little pastries called macaroons. I love them! So they are going to be my inspiration…

in the next entry, I tell you how and why for now have a lovely day xxx

lucia xxx


  1. Me and my partner have just been to paris to celebrate our 10 year anniversary! Such a beautiful city! And macarons are so delicious and pretty <3 I can't wait to see how they turn into a blanket!!

  2. Happy Anniversary ! We celebrated our 21st anniversary on the 28th / 1st too. Had a meal out at Miller & Carter in Newton Mearns to celebrate then back to EK to crochet

    Looking forward to following your blog and seeing more of your lovely work x

  3. Oh, Lucia, those yummy, YUMMY colours!! Such an inspiration. And what an adorable love story to go with them. Wishing you and your lovely family many, many more happy years. I too love Paris and I’m often reminded of France because of all the French influences we have here in Cape Town. thanks to the French Hugonote settlers. Our wineyards are still mostly owned by 6th or 7th generation French settlers. And the French architectural influences are still very much alive and well. I designed a square called The French Connection and wrote a little story about our french heritage. An aside note: I’ve made macaroons using what is known as “aquafaba”. Have you heard of this? It’s the brine from tinned chickpeas! If you add powdered sugar it beats up exactly like egg whites! 😀

    1. Ohh, my goodness, you won’t believe this, but I printed your french connection square pattern and it is sitting on my desk!!!! I was going to do do a couple of testers.I love the story of you at 13 in the taxi!! There is something special in relating crochet to experiences or the past, it makes what you crochet a sort of ‘tangible’ memory. that is what most of my work is all about.I will let you know how I got on with your square. I know aquafaba, you are right it has the same viscosity of unbeaten egg white, you can get it even if you soak chickpeas ( or other legumes) and then boil them in water . My daughter Francesca has a lot of vegan friends and we often experiment with meat,egg and dairy-free food at home.

      1. Hahaha…oh, my gosh, this sort of snap moment seems to be happening often with my crochet tribe! Clearly, we must all be on similar wavelengths! 😀 I love that you’ve been exposed to vegan deliciosity! I had a vegan pop-up eatery and catering business on and off for six years and it did very well. In fact too well! I suddenly became ill with major burn-out! Tadaa, crochet to the rescue and now I’m thoroughly hooked. 😉 I hope the square works out. My pattern writing skills are still so-so. Have a lovely day further, Lucia! xx

  4. Ooooh …. those colours! And Paris. And Macarons. Soul food, really. I am so in love with those caramel/aubergine/ green tones, I can’t wait to see your experiment, Lucia. The range goes a bit into your abstract expressionism blanket, too, right? I love it!!!
    I know that there is no ‘wrong’ in art, but each time you come up with something new, it feels so ‘right’. I am so glad I found your blog. Thank you.

    1. I have two sets of colors running at the same time, and as I love both the two selections of colors I have put together, I couldn’t make my mind to discard one, I have decided to use one for the macaroon blanket and the other for the April one. there are going to be some exciting news in the next week, ten days, hence why I am overwhelmed by beautiful hues and I want to use them ALL!!

  5. Hi Lucia,
    I’m so in love with the macaroons blanket! Beautiful colours, beautiful story. We have a love affair with Paris also. Honeymooned there 35 years ago and go back every 5 years with or without our grown up brood.
    I’ve practised a few mini squares and they are so lovely and easy too! Learning something new every day. The border will be challenging for me but I will do it!
    Looking forward to you posting the pattern for it.
    Thank you for your inspiration and beautiful ideas….so glad I found you!

    1. Hi Cheryl, thank you! please do not freth about the border it is just easier that it seems.
      I am nearly done with the blog entry I will uploaded up in the next couple of days xx

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